. . . . . . . . . ❝ You lick your lips, you taste like years of being alone. ❞

mutual’s only, low - activity, 18+
X5-936, pip an original character for james cameron’s dark angel.



I'm not Tati Gabrielle, neither am I in any way involved or affiliated with Dark Angel. All writings here are independent and written by myself or collaborated with my roleplay partners and are entirely non-profit.I'm Chey, 21+, queer and a woman of colour. I created Pip in 2018 and recently revamped in 2022. I'm slow and mostly inactive so if you prefer a partner that is quick with replies and active all the time, I may not be the partner for you.I have no triggers but I will not write rape, pedophilia, or anything to do with pregnancy or eating disorders. I also won't partake in any nazi au's or gender bent/rule!63 muses.


001. Don't be a dick. Essentially just don't try and start drama, be considerate and patient, take care of yourself and be good to others.002. This blog is 18+ only. I'm 29 and I'm not comfortable interacting with anyone under 18. Due to the dark and mature themes that I discuss, post about, and write into my characterizations I'd prefer to only write with people over the age of 18, thank you.003. Please be patient. As I mentioned, this blog is very low activity due to limited muse, real-life responsibility, and other more active roleplay accounts. I can't promise quick replies, but they will get done eventually.004. I deal with racists and racism every day and have since the day I was born. I have no interest in having to deal with it within my hobbies. As such, I will not interact with muses that are racist or have committed racially charged offenses. For example, B*lly Hargrove from Stranger Things.005. This blog is mutuals only. I will not interact with blogs that I do not follow and that do not follow me back.006. I'm selective about who I follow. Since this blog is so low activity, I am very selective about who I follow as I'm trying to keep my partners to a limited number that is easier to manage.

007. OC's are more than welcome here. I'm always open to plotting and interacting with OC's. I only ask that you have information about your muse available for me to read before we start interacting.008. I do not interact with second-person narrative. I find it disorientating.009. This is an open ship account. While romantic and sexual ships are not the point of this blog, I am open to exploring these types of dynamics with muses that share that kind of chemistry.I'm open to all ranges of dynamics, whether platonic, familial, romantic, sexual, or antagonistic. Roleplay for me has always been about how relationships of any kind, shape and form a muses identity so don't feel shy if you have a specific dynamic in mind!010. This blog is smut-friendly. I'm comfortable writing smut with partners that are also comfortable writing it. I'll tag any and all sexual content with minors don't interact, nsfw, or erotica cw.011. Hardblock =//= Softblock. If at any point you decide to block me, I would prefer to be hardblocked so that there is no confusion and I do not accidentally refollow you. I do not expect an explanation from anyone that blocks.012. Have fun. At the end of the day, this is a hobby and in my wise friends' words, we're just playing online barbies. Have fun, be kind.


Registration. 427183816936
Designation. X5-936
Aliases. Kerra
Name. Pip
D.O.B | D.O.D. November 19th | N/A
Astrological Sign. Scorpio. Passionate, independent, and unafraid to blaze their own trail no matter what others think, Scorpios make a statement wherever they go. They love debates, aren’t afraid of controversy, and won’t back down from a fight. They also hate dishonesty and can be brutally blunt at times, assertive and confident in their sexuality, Scorpios command attention and enjoy the spotlight.
Alignment. Chaotic Evil. A chaotic evil character does whatever her greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive her to do. She is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. She is out for whatever she can get, she is ruthless and brutal in her actions to further her own needs and her own goals.
Myers Briggs Test. ESTJ-A, the executive. Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the Executive personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths. Executives are aware of their surroundings and live in a world of clear, verifiable facts – the surety of their knowledge means that even against heavy resistance, they stick to their principles and push an unclouded vision of what is and is not acceptable.

Surrogate. Irene Goh ( mother, deceased )
Handlers. Donald Lydecker, Elizabeth Renfro, Andrew Leshan, Leah Yurik
Unit. Echo Unit, comprised of twenty four X5 transhuman soldiers.
Children. Quintin, taken from her at birth.
Relationships. Mary Dumot (crush, deceased)
Sexuality. Pansexual | Panromantic
Hair | Eyes. Dyed blonde | Brown
Height | Weight. 5'8 | 62 kgs
Ethnicity | Nationality. Black, Korean | American
Body Modifications. like all transgenics, Pip’s DNA has been spliced with various strains of animal samples in order to create the ultimate super human and superior soldier including but not limited to, dendroaspis polylepis, canis lupus, carcharodon carcharias, acinonyx jubatus and others.
Piercings. Septum, several ear piercings on both ears.
Distinguishing Marks. Barcode patented to the back of her neck.
Positive Traits. Confident, intelligent, assertive, dominating and practical. Observant, cunning, resourceful, driven, talented and magnetic.
Negative Traits. Aggressive, violent, manipulative, harsh, ruthless and brutal. Cold, calculative, detached, unsympathetic and bitter.
Temperament. Almost everything about her is a warning sign, the way she moves, the way that she speaks, everything about her seems to project that she is dangerous. Pip is intense and dominating in every way, capable of commanding attention wherever she goes, she is almost unapproachable but many perceive her as a challenge they want to succeed in conquering. Despite her charisma, Pip keeps people at a distance, rarely allowing anyone to see her vulnerable there is always some kind of disconnect between her and those around her. Something separate. Pip’s anger is also concerning, quick to anger and even quicker to resort to violence.


Following the destruction of the Wyoming, Manticore facility, 936 takes the name Pip and finds herself in Seattle city with absolute freedom but no mission or direction. Pip is very much learning how to function in normal society now that she has shed her Manticore leash but this is a difficult task in and of itself as she finds herself without an identity of her own.Pip chooses to utilise her skills as an independent agent, hiring herself out for security jobs such as bodyguard, bouncer, protection mercenary, or for anti-kidnap and ransom.She quickly gains a reputation for her dedication and efficiency within higher society. Unlike many of her fellow transgenic's, Pip doesn't shy away from the luxuries in life, and uses her income to finance a private loft warehouse. However, she does split her time between her work, and her fellow Transgenics in Terminal City.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nec volutpat augue. Etiam placerat luctus scelerisque. Cras scelerisque mauris nec pharetra dignissim. Morbi id posuere nisi. Etiam in sapien, vulputate sed lorem velit.


Pre-Series, Arc I. 936 is one of Manticore’s finest and most proficient soldiers, with a mission success rate of 98.9%. She exceeds all expectations placed upon her and is considered the best of Echo Team. An expert in several mixed martial arts, melee and long ranged weapons as well as strategic espionage, computer hacking, engineering and piloting she is extremely dedicated to her work and to Manticore.She’s often sent off base for missions in destabilizing foreign powers, assassinations, thefts, espionage and sabotage but has also been used to serve as a bodyguard for high paying officials. When off base X5-936 is often given an alias and an undercover persona of which she can perform seamlessly but rarely has time for herself as her handlers are almost always watching her every move.Season 1, Arc II. As the '09 escapees begin to surface in Seattle, the Wyoming facility grows extremely tense. 936 and the other transgenics still working for Manticore come under pressure for continued efficiency and perfection. 936 strives to rise to the challenge, pushing herself and those around her to success until she is selected for Manticore's breeding programme and is removed from the field.

Post-Season 1, Arc III. 936 has successfully rotated out of Manticore's breeding programme and is returned to the Wyoming facility to undergo transitional training. She finds herself partnered often with 452, a recently recaptured '09 escapee.936 is ruthless in pressuring 452 to denounce her life beyond Manticore and return to the fold, despite her disapproval with 452's reintegration as in her opinion 452 would be better off serving as spare parts.Season 2, Arc IV. Manticore's Wyoming facility is destroyed by 452 and her allies, forcing 936 to flee the burning facility and escape into the surrounding wilds. With Renfro's perceived death, the US government quickly sweeps in with efforts to cauterize the existence of Manticore.936 escapes from the island, narrowly avoiding White's armed forces and fleeing into Seattle city where she takes on the name Pip and begins her new life as a free agent.Post-Season 2, Arc III. As the existence of transgenics and Manticore becomes public knowledge, Pip is forced to consider her place in society. For the first time in her life, she is being asked what she wants and who she wants to be.Pip begins her search for her child, Quintin, stolen at birth by Manticore scientists and transferred out of the facility before its destruction, Pip is determined to find her child.


The 100. (Season's 1-4 only) 936 is a Nightblood, abducted when she was an infant from her Trikru mother, she was raised by an underground sect known only as Manticore. She underwent rigorous training and conditioning to become an elite soldier and warrior with the purpose of orchestrating political unrest, sabotaging rival clans from the inside out.With the arrival of Skaikru to the ground, she adopted the name Pip, and was sent to spy on both Trikru and Skaikru alike.Detroit: Become Human. X5936 is an elite military android, designed and created by Cyberlife for the US Army. 936 was deployed to the frontlines during the American-Russian disputes but came under scrutiny when she began displaying unorthodox improvisation during combat, infiltrating enemy lines and hacking enemy androids.Subsequent investigation found no anomalies in her programming and so she was redeployed. In 2038, 936 and a small handful of other military androids disappeared from the field, causing the US army to scramble for answers.936 escaped her service, returning to the states in search of RA9 and calls herself Pip.

TBA. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nec volutpat augue. Etiam placerat luctus scelerisque. Cras scelerisque mauris nec pharetra dignissim. Morbi id posuere nisi. Etiam in sapien, vulputate sed lorem velit.TBA. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nec volutpat augue. Etiam placerat luctus scelerisque. Cras scelerisque mauris nec pharetra dignissim. Morbi id posuere nisi. Etiam in sapien, vulputate sed lorem velit.TBA. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nec volutpat augue. Etiam placerat luctus scelerisque. Cras scelerisque mauris nec pharetra dignissim. Morbi id posuere nisi. Etiam in sapien, vulputate sed lorem velit.TBA. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nec volutpat augue. Etiam placerat luctus scelerisque. Cras scelerisque mauris nec pharetra dignissim. Morbi id posuere nisi. Etiam in sapien, vulputate sed lorem velit.TBA. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nec volutpat augue. Etiam placerat luctus scelerisque. Cras scelerisque mauris nec pharetra dignissim. Morbi id posuere nisi. Etiam in sapien, vulputate sed lorem velit.